Soil for Life
Did you know all living things depend on soil! There can not be life without soil! Soil is Life! We do our best everyday to take care of our soil by using the Five Principles of Soil Health.
Importance of Soil
Soil grows materials that feed humans and animals, materials for clothes and shelter, it filters and holds our water, practically everything somehow is tied to our soil.
Soil Structure
Having healthy soil structure helps reduce wind and water erosion, increases water infiltration, improves nutrient cycling, and reduces compaction. Soil is made of 25% Air, 25% Water, 45% Minerals (Sand, Silt, and Clay), and about 5% Organic Matter.
Soil Food Web
Did you know there are more living organisms in a tablespoon of healthy soil than people on our planet? These micro-organisms are responsible for decomposing organic matter, converting nutrients to usable form for plants, enhancing soil structure, and controlling the population of soil organisms.